Twenty four of us made it last night despite the WetWetWet . .
Twenty four of us made it last night despite the WetWetWet: I guess Dave kept his shorts on to save him the bother of rolling his trousers up.
Others came by various modes of transport; canoes, rafts, wellies & scuba gear spring to mind. Not really envious of those notable absentees sunning themselves in warmer climes, nor those warding off their lurgs in front of the fire.
Well, only two songs last night - anyone feeling the pressure?
Only 5 weeks to go till our 1st gig and Jon goes and lands a new song on our laps.
Trees: a song written by Fiona, words by W De La Mare where some tunes defected to the Basses, one bass, our deepest came over to the tunes.
You could say it was the "high point" of the evening, challenging in every sense to the tunes especially - I thought we were contracted to only do the top line weren't we, or so we thought.
Someone mentioned that if we were paying homage to trees, then "Logs to Burn" would have been much easier!
Jon brought it all together with his Hi-F ghetto blaster and then it made much more sense.
We were treated to a lovely rendition of April Morning by Janice, and, once Jon had mastered the art of timing, we managed to sing along with her, tunes again having to sing off the top line with the Tenors this time, and we pulled it off, sort of.
We had a commercial break where Jon mentioned his "Event" early on Thursday morning , looking for extras where it looks like Jon & Janice are singing along the Quayside, collecting, Pied Piper fashion, a following crowd of extras on to the Cumberland Arms. Sounds good to me , except the pub wasn't going to be able to sell any alcohol that time in the morning.
Good luck Jon, its happening even as I'm typing this.
Then off to the Tap & Spile for more WetWetWet (inside) where we assisted Margot in encouraging a couple of rowdy (non Voicemale) guys to leave the back room early.
See you next week, must rush, loads of homework to do, Soundcloud here I come.