Numbers are building up again . . . .


Mes chers amis chanteurs

Numbers are building up again - back to well over 20 lusty warriors took the field again last night despite the rain, the fog and that shitty lurgy which many of us have had . And look at today - sunshine and blue skies - man there’s nee predicting the weather roond heor!!!

A canny night singing - Jon had brought his ghetto blaster and was teaching us the rudiments of April or was it Trees - what I will never forget (as someone who doesn’t read music) is what a F# is. Thank goodness it’s not something you come across too much in a VoiceMale scenario…….

It was noticeable that the naked knees were absent last night although Mike R did give us a quick flash!!!!

It’s a committee meeting next Wednesday at the Tap and Spile at 6.30 pre the singing. If you are interested then come along - everyone is welcome to attend.

It’s just a quicky today - things to do, people to see. But we’ll sing everyone. I predict that next week we’ll have 25+ at the hall.

Onwards and upwards lads - have a good weekend and be kind to each other - and give a thought to our pal Mr Blue Skies .